M’sia Pet Dog Dies After Eating Poisoned Bun, Man Seen Throwing Object Into House

Dog In Malaysia Passes Away After Consuming Poisoned Bun

They say dogs are man’s best friends, so it is truly baffling when humans put dogs in harm’s way. Unfortunately, this seems to be the case in this heartbreaking incident in Subang Jaya, Malaysia.

According to a report by China Press, a family’s pet dog died after it consumed a poisoned bun.

dog poisoned bun

Source: China Press

Its owner, an unnamed Chinese lady, told China Press that her Belgian Shepherd had seized up and collapsed. It started foaming at the mouth, eyes rolled back, before tragically passing away.

This incident took place at around midnight on Thursday (16 Feb), at the lady’s home in SS17, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

Suspicious person observed in surveillance footage

The lady said she checked her surveillance camera for an indication of what might have happened and saw that someone had tossed something into her yard.

A man wearing a dark-coloured top, shorts, and slippers could be seen at around 11.32pm on 15 Feb throwing an unidentified object into the property.

The lady later found a bun that had been bitten into.

Source: YouTube

“When my dog died, its body was cold and stiff and its tongue was hanging out of its mouth. The vet said that this poison is an extremely potent one,” she told China Press.

Allegedly not the first poisoning attempt

Apparently, this was not the first time someone attempted to poison the dog. Previously, her children had found a coloured pill in the house. Fortunately, no one ate it at the time.

The owner questioned the cruelty of the alleged perpetrator. She was quoted as saying, “I don’t know what we did to this person to deserve such cruel treatment.”

She also expressed her despair at seeing her “cute, living dog” dying in such a horrific manner.

dog poisoned bun

Source: China Press

Through this incident, the owner hopes to raise awareness for her case to identify the perpetrator. She also urges those with pets and children to always stay vigilant.

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Featured image adapted from China Press.

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