S’pore netizens expose Facebook user who shared about ‘powerful’ mosquito catcher’s effectiveness using allegedly edited image

Singapore netizens expose Facebook user over allegedly mosquito catch image

Last week, a Facebook user shared a post in a Singaporean interior design group detailing the effectiveness of a “mosquito catcher”.

The user shared a picture of the device, next to an army of dead mosquitoes on a piece of tissue.

However, a few keen-eyed netizens pointed out that the image was edited — a few ‘patches’ of mosquitoes were seemingly carbon copies of each other, albeit in different orientations.

Furthermore, the image appears to have been recycled in multiple posts advertising a similar product.

A Facebook user shared their experience using mosquito catcher

In a now-deleted post, the Facebook user described their experience with a mosquito catcher. The user described it as a “mosquito-exterminating machine” that was “more effective than 10 mosquito coils combined.”

The Facebook user claimed they would turn it on every night, adding that the product was safe and reliable.

The picture attached to the post shows the device next to a piece of tissue with what appears to be a hundred dead mosquitoes.

Unsurprisingly, many Facebook users were amazed. Some even asked where they could get the product, to which the OP provided a link which led to a mosquito catcher by Hong Kong-based company Yohome.

Source: Facebook

Keen-eyed netizens spot sus similarities in picture

Even though many netizens were amazed by the mosquito catcher’s effectiveness, a few eagle-eyed users found the picture suspicious.

One user applied the rules of “spot the difference” to the picture and found multiple mosquitoes that looked like carbon copies of each other.

Source: Facebook

Another commenter even found whole patches of mosquito carcasses that looked exactly like each other, albeit in different orientations.

Source: Facebook

The post has been taken down at the time of this article.

A cursory search by MS News revealed that the image was used to advertise the same product on other social media pages.

Source: Facebook

MS News has reached out to the OP for comments.

Also Read: Woman Keeps Journal Of Every Mosquito She’s Killed, Even Brings 1 Back From Bali To S’pore

Woman Keeps Journal Of Every Mosquito She’s Killed, Even Brings 1 Back From Bali To S’pore

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.  

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