Father Tries To Save Daughter Who Jumped From 25th Floor, Both Pass Away In Sichuan Tragedy

Sichuan Mourns Tragedy Involving Father & Teenage Daughter

Everyone would instinctively attempt to save their loved ones if they attempt to take their own life.

A father who tried to do so got fatally struck by his daughter’s body after she jumped off the 25th floor of a building in Sichuan Province.

Both father and daughter ended up passing away in the double tragedy. News reports of the double tragedy were uploaded and you may watch a Mandarin clip below on the incident.

The footage and images may be disturbing to some. Viewers discretion is advised.

We summarise how the events unfolded below.

15-year-old allegedly jumped from 25th floor

According to Wang Yi News, an online news site based in China, the incident happened in Lu County in Sichuan Province.

In the viral clip, a 15-year-old girl surnamed Zeng can be seen standing precariously on the edge of the roof of the 25-storey building.


The teen’s father, Mr Zeng, happened to be standing at the foot of the building, directly at the area where she would land when she jumped.

As Zeng jumps off the building, her 45-year-old father reportedly attempted to catch her.


Father struck by daughter’s falling body

Tragically, instead of catching her, the father was seemingly struck with such force by her falling body that he ended up being killed.


His daughter, too succumbed to her injuries.

Teen had allegedly refused to take piano lessons

While the authorities are still investigating the cause of the incident, Wang Yi News reported that the incident arose as a result of Zeng’s refusal to take piano classes.

According to the Chinese news site, the girl was forced to learn piano despite expressing her extreme distaste for it.

Image for illustration purposes only.

The school where she attended music classes was reportedly located on the 1st floor of the building that she jumped off.

May they rest in peace

Though it’s unclear what led up to the incident, it’s sad to hear of younger individuals who’ve considered taking their own lives, due to extenuating circumstances.

Back home in Singapore, if you or someone you know need help, there are avenues and people willing to lend a listening ear.

Do call the Samaritans of Singapore’s 24-hour hotline or send a message to SOS Care Text.

MS News’ condolences go to the family & loved ones of the 2 victims. May they rest in peace.

Featured image adapted from news.163

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