Diner Hijacks Smart TV, Airs Gay Porn While Everyone Eats Mee Sua

Gay Porn Playing On Eatery’s TV Had Customers Stunned Like Vegetable

Customers of Seng Kee Black Chicken Herbal Soup usually flock to the East for their famed mee sua and herbal soup.

But patrons who visited the store last Sunday night got more than what they asked for.

Indecent video airing on restaurant’s TV

The incident took place at Seng Kee restaurant on Sunday night (7 Oct) at 10pm.

A 12-second video on Reddit depicted how the event unfolded hilariously.


A female diner was mindfully eating her supper when her gaze landed on the eatery’s TV screen.

She elbowed her male companion, telling him to look up as well.

Both of them were so startled by the image, that they had their eyes fixed on the screen in bewilderment.

Turns out, an amusing clip featuring two men getting intimate with each other was airing on the TV.

Patrons noticed, but staff did not

Employees of Seng Kee were so swamped with work during the supper period that no one noticed the lewd video that was streaming.

An elderly staff member finally caught on to what was happening, when he noticed patrons filming the television with their mobile devices.

68-year-old Mr Chen was so appalled by the explicit images that he immediately turned the TV off.

Cheeky diner hijacked the smart TV

Mdm Chen, 50, explained that the restaurant had switched to the smart TV just a couple of months ago.

The new television set uses the same Wi-Fi network as the one provided to diners.

As a result, customers whose handphones were connected to the network could control the television screen and play videos from their devices.

Reporters from Shin Min Daily News went down to the store themselves and found that it was indeed possible to do so.

Mdm Chen asserted that their employees were unlikely to be the culprit behind the TV-hijacking. Everyone was too busy with work to adjust or monitor what was streaming on TV.

She mused pensively,

I’m not sure exactly who did this, but won’t rule out that it might be a prank.

No more Wi-Fi at this eatery for now

The Wi-Fi network in the eatery has now been switched off to prevent a similar incident.

Seng Kee eatery is also considering precautionary measures like setting up a separate Wi-Fi network for diners, and disabling the television’s smart function.

This may be a hilarious case but here’s hoping mischievous diners don’t abuse their Wi-Fi privileges anymore.

Featured image from Reddit.

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