Rider Allegedly Spills Starbucks Order & Marks It As Delivered, Grab Investigating

Rider Allegedly Spills Starbucks Order & Disappears

Most of us place our delivery orders in good faith and hope our food and beverages will arrive intact.

However, one customer didn’t receive her order the way she thought she would.

She claimed that she did not receive her drinks despite having the order marked as delivered. Shockingly, she later found that her drinks were spilt outside her place.

Source: Facebook 

Moreover, she added that the rider responsible for the mess didn’t admit to his mistake. Grab is currently investigating the matter.

Rider allegedly spills Starbucks order & goes MIA

In a Facebook post made by Misshopper Boutique on Sunday (24 Apr), the customer shared that she had ordered seven cups of Starbucks drinks for her friends’ gathering the previous night via the GrabFood app.

Source: Facebook

However, she saw that her order was marked as delivered, even though she did not receive her drinks at all.

Feeling worried, she tried calling the rider and Grab multiple times but received no response from both.

She also later noticed that her card was charged, even though her order was nowhere to be found.

Customer finds her drinks spilt near her condo

Unfortunately, later on, the customer found that her drinks were spilt on the pathway near her place.

A few pictures posted alongside her Facebook post showed many spilt Starbucks drinks, with the carrier trays and green straws lying on the pavement.

grab driver spills order

Source: Facebook

She checked the GrabFood order number pasted on the drinks to confirm that the drinks were hers. And regrettably, the stickers reflected her order number, GF-444.

Source: Facebook

The customer later took to Facebook to express her dismay at the rider’s dishonesty since he may have run off after spilling the drinks without admitting his mistake to her.

She also said that her friends had to clean up the mess left behind.

She ended her post by saying that she felt “cheated” and urged anyone who has had similar experiences to speak up.

Grab is thoroughly investigating the matter

It seems like Grab, the food delivery company of the rider, has learnt of this incident and contacted the affected customer.

In the same post, GrabFood commented and apologised.

They also asked her for more details, including her mobile number, email address, and booking ID, so that they could carry out further investigations.


Source: Facebook

When MS News contacted Grab for a statement, a spokesperson said the company would like to apologise for the inconvenience and poor experience faced by the customer. They’re currently investigating the matter.

Hopes customer can get closure from this incident

Having your food delivery order go missing is one thing, but finding out that it could have resulted from the rider’s mistake is definitely disappointing.

In this case, we can only imagine how upset the affected customer must have felt when she found out that she couldn’t enjoy her drinks.

Hopefully, now that Grab is investigating the case, the customer can move on from this incident.

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Featured image adapted from Facebook.

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