Indonesian Ice-Cream Seller Found Dead On Motorcycle, Insisted On Working Despite Being Unwell

Indonesian Ice-Cream Seller Found Dead On His Motorcycle, Presumably From Exhaustion

Lots of people say working hard always pays off, but when it comes to overworking, it’s a completely different story.

From poor health to emotional distress, overworking too often can lead to some pretty serious consequences.

Sadly, some people have no choice but to, for they have to support their families.

This Indonesian ice-cream seller was one of those people, and he ended up losing his life due to exhaustion as he overworked himself to provide for his family.


Local villager found ice-cream seller’s body slumped on motorbike

According to Indonesian publisher Suara Indonesia, Mr Suwoco – a man from the village of Ledokombo – found Mr Misyanto’s lifeless body on 2 Mar.

Mr Suwoco was reportedly driving along the same path, but was blocked by Mr Misyanto’s motorcycle.

He horned at Mr Misyanto but got no response. As he approached the stationary motorcycle, Mr Suwoco found his body slumped face-down on the bike.


Mr Suwoco subsequently contacted the police as Mr Misyanto continued to be unresponsive.

Indonesian man sold ice-cream for a living

According to Suara Indonesia, Mr Misyanto was a 66-year-old man from East Jawa who sold ice-cream from his motorcycle.

Mr Misyanto’s family said he often complained about “dizziness” and “shortness of breath”, yet he continued to work so he could earn an income to support them.

Police investigations suggest ice-cream seller died of natural causes

The police reported that there were no signs of struggle or violence on the body.  None of Mr Misyanto’s belongings was missing either.

His family have allegedly rejected an autopsy of his body.

As of now, it looks like he died of exhaustion, possibly due to overwork and the fact that he was unwell.

Unfortunate death of a hardworking family man

Reports of Mr Misyanto suggest that he was a hardworking man who just wanted to provide for his family.

MS News would like to convey our deepest condolences to Mr Misyanto’s family and friends.

While working hard is important, everyone should also take care of their health. If your body is showing signs of overworking, it’s perhaps wiser to take a break.

Featured image adapted from Diadona

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