Kamala Spelt Backwards Is ‘Alamak’, S’poreans Are Tickled By US Election Memes

Kamala Harris Could Be The First Female US Vice President If Biden Wins

While citizens across the world await the US Elections results with bated breath, we return to our favourite way to pass the time on the Internet when things get too serious — memes, glorious memes.

As for Ms Kamala Harris – Biden’s pick for Vice President – who represents the Democrats, we were today years old when we found out her name actually has a hidden meaning.

kamala harris

Could be first woman of colour to be elected as vice-president

The California senator’s name might bring us laughter, but she clearly means business.

Having served as the state’s attorney general for 6 years, Harris became the first Indian-American senator in US history after being elected into the Senate in 2016.

Though her presidential campaign came to a disappointing end in Dec 2019, she was chosen by Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden 9 months later to be the party’s vice-presidential nominee.

If the Democrats’ campaign proves successful, Harris would once again make history by being the first woman of colour to be elected as vice-president.

Trump says he might have to leave country if he loses. Biden says bi

But Harris isn’t the only one whose name became the subject of dank memes.

Her running mate’s named was used as a sort of farewell for Trump, who jokingly said that he might have to leave the country should he lose the elections.


China built a palace for Biden

Others joked at how the Chinese had longed predicted a Democratic victory, and even built a palace in Biden’s name.


Answer to why Nevada’s taking so long to count ballots

Wondered why the result for Nevada’s seemingly taking an eternity? This netizen seems to know why.


Hope results will be out soon

Now that the secret is out, we continue to cross our fingers that the long wait for the results to be tabulated will be over soon.

In the meantime, we’re glad that the Internet continues to supply us a with ready laughs as the intense race for the White House continues.

We’ll be updating our live blog with the latest updates here.

Razor-thin margins, but yuge laughs

Razor-thin margins in deciding swing states like Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada continue. Until the final victor is declared, we’ll have a long road ahead indeed.

Have you come across any funny memes on the US Elections so far? Share your best finds in the comments below.


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Featured image adapted from MS News.

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