Large Fight Breaks Out In Katong With 1 Man Brandishing Shiny Object, Police Investigating

Fight Breaks Out In Katong Involving Over 10 People

Getting into a violent fight in public will surely land us in trouble. If no one calls the police in time, then our actions will be filmed by witnesses. And the next thing we know, we’re suddenly Internet-famous, with our clips circulating on social media.

Caught on camera recently were 10 people involved in an altercation in Katong. One of them also brandished a shiny object that resembled a weapon during the conflict.

After noticing the attention they’re attracting from their fight, the group quickly dispersed. But not before the armed man said a few words to the cameraman.

The police have caught wind of the incident and are currently looking into the matter.

Large man pulls out shiny object from driver’s seat

In the 1-minute video that surfaced on social media on Tuesday (5 Apr), a large group of people were seen fighting on the road beside Indigo Hotel in Katong.

They were filmed moving around frantically, shoving one another.


At the 15-second mark, a large man approached a parked car and swung open the driver’s seat.

The man swiped an unidentified object with his left hand before switching it over to his right hand. The large man subsequently met eyes with the cameraman but continued to behave menacingly.

After prancing around, he brandished a shiny object, clasping it tightly with his right hand.


The metallic part of the object looked like a knife, though it is hard to say for sure.

Chucks shiny object back into car after noticing camera

After a few seconds, it appears that the large man had a eureka moment and realised that he was filmed.

Instinctively, he made his way back to the car and chucked the object back into the vehicle.

At this point, he confronted the cameraman by shouting and pointing in the camera’s direction.


The camera then pans to show the now-vacant street, with the various fights dispersing, leaving no trace of an altercation.

Police looking into Katong fight

According to The Straits Times (ST), a police report has been lodged since the video surfaced. Officers are currently investigating the case.

This appearance of an unidentified weapon is particularly alarming as it follows in the footsteps of a recent spate of armed incidents.

Man Seen Brandishing Sword At Cars & People In Buangkok, Arrested By Police

It is illegal to carry any weapon for self-defence in Singapore, and those found guilty may face up to 3 years in jail.

Hope police can put a stop to knife-related crimes soon

With the recent spate of knife-related crimes happening in Singapore, we hope that they do not set a dangerous precedence for conflict resolution in the future.

Although some disagreements can escalate quickly, no one should feel entitled to brandish a higher level of force to settle an argument.

We hope that the relevant authorities can quickly come up with a resolution for this rise in crime before it’s too late.

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Featured image adapted from Singapore Incidents.

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