King’s Cross Cafe Has An Actual Hogwarts Train & Entire Wall Of Wands

King’s Cross Coffee Platform Is Korea’s Largest Harry Potter Cafe

Hold onto your Butterbeers for we come bearing Fantastic news for local Harry Potter fans.


A massive 4-storey Harry Potter-themed cafe opened its doors to the public in Hongdae, recently.

King’s Cross is named after a prominent train station in London — the very station Hogwarts Express departs from in the books. If you can find your way to Platform 9 3/4, that is.


There’s a basement, a Hogwarts train replica with actual steam and an entire wall of wands to boot — house elves and ghouls sold separately.

All aboard the Hogwarts Express

To enter, simply do as we say.

Locate the secret wall to run your suitcase trolley into.


Poor Muggles around you will be suitably bewildered as you launch yourself into the air to enter Platform 9 3/4 where the cafe is located.


Alright, we’re kidding. This is the Muggle-friendly entrance since we’re all still waiting for our letters to arrive.

Massive on the inside

FYI, the cafe complex is bigger on the inside, just like the Weasley family’s expanding tent.


There’s an actual Hogwarts train replica housed within, with impressive gleaming front lights and a spout that emits actual steam.


We’d recommend trying to snag a seat inside the train compartment, with your best mates Hermione and Ron — or whomever is tagging along for the ride.

Walls lined with wands

Look out for the most magical wall you’ve ever encountered, literally — it has wand boxes stuffed into every nook and cranny.


Perfect for that pensive back shot as you sit prettily on the rickety wooden staircase beside it.


Themed floors galore

You should definitely scale the entire establishment for the full Wizarding World experience.


Chill among suspended owl cages as you dig into scrumptious food inspired by The Leaky Cauldron’s menu.


There are tons of quirky Muggle furniture and antiquities scattered around each floor — we suspect that Arthur Weasley had a hand in this.


Pick your house

Come dressed for the occasion or loan their costumes and scarves for a memorable photo op depending on your chosen house.

You may only wear your robes and scarves on the first floor, or risk getting precious house points deducted by Professor McGonagall.

Always, Snape…Always. </3

Don’t forget to check out these character cards featuring the OG cast of all 7 Harry Potter movies.

Apparate there now

We don’t have Floo powder or a functioning flying broomstick on hand, so here are all the Muggle deets you’ll need to know to get there.

Do note that they’re not open on Mondays.

Address: Hongdae, Seoul Mapo-Gu Seogyo-Dong 417 (서울특별시 마포구 서교동 417)
Opening Times: Tue-Sun (11am–10pm)
Nearest Station: Hongik University (Exit 9), Located near Trick Eye Museum.
Instagram: King’s Cross Coffee Platform

Better than hot Dumbledore in a vest

No Christmas surprise would ever top hot Dumbledore – aka smexy Jude Law in a vest – for many Potterheads.


But this glorious cafe will definitely be a close second. We’ll see you wannabe wizards and witches there!

If you’ll be in Seoul this Christmas, don’t miss this gorgeous library either.

Seoul Library Literally Brings Books To Life In Stunning Christmas Display

Featured image from InstagramInstagram & Instagram.

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