S’porean Driver Claims KL Police Forced Him To Pay Bribe, Authorities Urged To Take Action

Singapore Driver Claims KL Police Made False Allegations & Forced Him To Pay Bribe

Tales and rumours from seasoned travellers often get passed down through generations, leaving behind impressions – both good and bad – that stick around. While many of such rumours might be pure fiction, there are others that might be true.

On Thursday (14 Apr), a Singaporean driver alleged that he was forced to pay a bribe to Kuala Lumpur (KL) police officers so they’d let him off the hook for a series of alleged ‘offences’.

The driver shared rearview camera footage of the incident and used it to recount the bribing process.

KL police allegedly list offences & ask for bribes to settle things

According to the post shared on the Beh Chia Lor Facebook page, the Singaporean driver was driving in KL at about 12.30pm on 10 Apr.

The driver was apparently pulled over by KL police who made various allegations against him. These include:

  • Not possessing a Malaysian driving licence
  • Not having visa for entry into KL
  • Driving against traffic
  • Printing his own identification card

To avoid arrest, the driver was allegedly instructed to ‘treat’ the officers — referring to a bribe.

The footage then shows the driver and a police officer conversing for a few seconds before the latter entered the police vehicle.

The man then stood close to the front window on the left. There, the police officers directed him to throw the bribe into the car while ensuring he was not seen by others.

As his hand edged closer to the car window and eventually entered the vehicle, the man was told off.

Apparently, the police officers told the man that his hand should not be in the vehicle, which explains him quickly retracting his hand seconds later.

The video ends with the man walking away from the car window while zipping up his pouch.

Netizens lambast KL police actions

The common sentiment among netizens who viewed the video was to call for justice.

One netizen called for the authorities to investigate the matter. He added that the video footage will serve as incriminating evidence against the police officers.

Source: Facebook

This proactive Facebook user took matters into his own hands and lodged a complaint to the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM)

Source: Facebook

Meanwhile, another netizen suggested that the driver should’ve taken the summon and headed directly to the police headquarters to fight the case.

Source: Facebook

MS News has reached out to the PDRM for comment on the matter and will update the article accordingly.

Driver probably didn’t want to land himself in deeper trouble

As easy as it is to push the blame on the police officers, the driver is equally guilty for acceding to their requests.

However, we can still empathise with him since he probably did not want to get into deeper trouble while in a foreign land.

Hopefully, investigations will shed light on what happened during the incident.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at hello@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Beh Chia Lor – Singapore Road on Facebook.

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