PM Mahathir Says Najib Is ‘Totally Responsible’ For 1MDB
The investigation into misdeeds at 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has been swift since Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad returned to office last month.
In an interview with Reuters on Tuesday (19 Jun), Dr Mahathir said that Malaysian investigators already have “an almost perfect case” against the main suspects who misappropriated billions of dollars from the state fund.
These suspects include Mr Najib Razak and Mr Jho Low, the Malaysian financier with close ties to Mr Najib’s family.
Dr Mahathir expects police to make their first arrests in the coming months, and the trial to “hopefully” begin by the end of the year.
Najib cornered
In the same interview, Dr Mahathir accused Mr Najib of being “totally responsible” for 1MDB because the fund’s undertakings were subject to his approval.
He was totally responsible for 1MDB. Nothing can be done without his signature.
Dr Mahathir also added that investigators are looking to bring “a number of charges”, including “embezzlement, stealing government money, losing government money…using government money to bribe”.
And they have gathered evidence of Mr Najib’s wrongdoings. Said Dr Mahathir,
We have his signature on all the deals entered onto 1MDB…we have the cheques, the letters signed by [Mr Najib] so he cannot say [he has] nothing to do with it.
No escape for Rosmah, either
However, Dr Mahathir also pointed out that determining the total sum of money that has slipped down Ms Rosmah Mansor’s silk-lined pockets is tougher.
Some of the money is believed to have gone to her, lots of money.
Nevertheless, investigators are on the job.
He added it was more difficult to trace her wrongdoings because she didn’t leave a paper trail, unlike her husband.
Finding the paper trail is a bit more difficult in this case because she doesn’t sign any papers. Najib signs a lot of papers.
Patience for justice
Even though the couple has essentially been caught, PM Mahathir said we must be patient because investigators need a little more time to collect and collate the evidence.
Different people investigating the same thing…we do not know how much evidence they have now gathered.
That’s because he wants to be 100% of winning in court.
When we go to the courts, we will have clear evidence of the wrongdoing. We cannot afford to lose.
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