NDP 2019 Funpacks Are Estimated To Save 1.75 Million Pieces Of Plastic Compared To 2018

NDP Funpack 2019 Has More Reusable Items, No Maracas & Scarves

You may recall reading that the NDP funpacks 2019 contain more practical and reusable items. They are specially packed in support of local campaigns on reducing wastage.


If you had trouble grasping the full picture of how this works out, non-profit group Zero Waste Singapore has broken it down for us in a helpful infographic.

Here are some key differences between 2018’s funpack and this year’s.


Thanks to repackaged tattoos, and the lack of maracas and scarves, Zero Waste Singapore estimates that they managed to save 1.75 million pieces of plastic for 2019’s funpacks.

Average 4.4 million items are wasted each year

Zero Waste Singapore is working with this year’s NDP funpack committee to support sustainability and the zero-waste nation vision.


In the infographic’s accompanying caption, they wrote,

Every year, with an average of 20 items in the funpack, we will have up to 6.6 million items packaged and produced to celebrate Singapore’s birthday.

They pointed out that if Singaporeans only reused 1/3 of the items, that means up to 4.4 million items were produced for single-use — i.e. more waste.

Not to worry, they are still advocating for change. With this year’s funpack contents, they said,

1.7 million items saved this year is a great start, kudos to the Logistics and Finance committee for being receptive to less waste!

#TowardsZeroWaste, y’all.

You can return non-perishables in NDP Funpack 2019

Netizens are eager to do more than just plainly receiving the funpack, if their ballots are successful.

One Facebook user asked if she could return some of the non-perishable goodies to help save more items from the doomed “single-use” fate.


Good news, you can, according to Zero Waste Singapore’s answer.


Others gave suggestions that would, no doubt, go a long way toward reducing waste.

Yay for bringing your own water bottles to the show?


Another user believes that having a collection point for plastic bottles would be helpful too.


Taking one step closer to zero-waste nation

Although NDP funpacks started out as a “survival kit” in 1991 – containing only bread and water – they have since become an important part of Singapore’s culture.

No celebration of Singapore’s birthday is complete without the funpack.

One may argue that more can be done to ensure sustainability. But taking one small step towards the right direction is good progress.

Thumbs up for the great effort, Zero Waste Singapore and NDPeeps.

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