Singapore Landlord Increases Woman’s Rent By 75%
It is a known fact that property prices, both buying and renting, have increased sharply in recent months despite property cooling measures by the government.
A woman in Singapore recently took to TikTok to share how her rent increased by 75%.
@salshoult It’s my turn to feel the burn of the SG rental market! #sgexpats #sgrent
The landlord, however, claimed that it’s an “excellent deal” as he would otherwise have listed it with a 100% increase in rent.
Singapore landlord claims 75% rent increase was an “excellent deal”
In the video, TikTok user @salshoult, also known as Sal, tells the story of how her landlord broke the unfortunate news to her.
Sal sarcastically explained that there was no need for her to feel anxious about the state of the rental market, as her landlord was “only going to increase [her] rent by 75%”.

Source: @salshoult on TikTok
Apparently, her landlord told her that this was an “excellent deal”, as they would otherwise have listed the property with a 100% increase on the original rent.

Source: @salshoult on TikTok
“So, really, he’s giving us a 25% discount. So generous of him!” Sal mockingly quipped.
Netizens say it is “daylight robbery”
In the comments, Sal agreed with another user who called the move “daylight robbery”.

Source: TikTok
Additionally, she mentioned that she has lived in that house for four years, never missed a payment, and kept it in good condition all this while.

Source: TikTok
When someone suggested she move to Johor Bahru as rent is more affordable there, Sal explained that she has considered it. Unfortunately, it just was not feasible due to her visa status.
She ultimately revealed that she is now in the process of moving out. In response to another comment telling her to move out of the landlord’s place, Sal wrote, “I am! Not paying that increase out of principle alone!”

Source: TikTok
Rental prices in Singapore on the rise
According to a report by TODAY, private rental prices in Singapore jumped by 29.7% in 2022 — highest annual increase in about 16 years.
As rental prices continue to climb in the coming months, we hope that Sal is able to find a good place at a reasonable price soon.
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Featured image adapted from @salshoult on TikTok.