1-Year-Old Dog Rescued From Cramped Cage Outdoors, Needs New S’pore Home By Mid-Oct

Dog Rescued From Cramped Outdoor Cage In Singapore Needs A New Home

Although dogs are known as man’s best friend, the sad reality is that they are not always treated as such.

Despite there being strict laws in Singapore against animal cruelty, cases of abuse still occur every now and then.

While there are various local animal welfare groups doing their best to protect these innocent creatures, they still struggle with finding good homes for them.

rescued dog Kopi

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

For Kopi, a rescued dog who grew up in cramped, unsheltered conditions, a new home is exactly what he needs now.

Dog rescued from small cage outdoors

Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore (CDAS), an animal welfare group, shared Kopi’s plight via Facebook yesterday (15 Sep).

rescued dog Kopi

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

According to the caption, the one-year-old dog was living in a cramped cage “with no protection from the sun or rain”.

A picture within the post shows the dilapidated cage, which has a sign warding off trespassers.

Kopi’s mistreatment came to CDAS’ attention in March, when he was found trapped in the cage, surrounded by debris and garbage.

To make matters worse, Kopi was exposed to the scorching heat with little ventilation.

The size of the cage also made it difficult for him to stand straight.

Although Kopi’s original owner was defensive at first when approached, CDAS eventually managed to come to an amicable resolution with him.

Since then, Kopi has been undergoing rehabilitation at a home boarding place, according to CDAS’ Instagram.

Kopi’s temperament slowly showing signs of improvement

CDAS also revealed the extent to which Kopi’s initial upbringing has traumatised him, sharing that he tends to run off for no reason as if expecting something to fall on him.

They feel this is likely caused by Kopi trying to avoid metal junk that was heaped on his cage in the past.

On top of that, sudden sounds and movements will startle him.

That said, love and patience go a long way in helping rescued dogs, and Kopi appears to have made strides in his recovery.

rescued dog Kopi

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

Since moving into the home boarding, CDAS shared that he has shown an amiable, loving side to him.

There is a very beautiful and loving animal trying to escape his awful start in life and blossom into the dog he was always meant to be.

They also said that when Kopi knows the person handling him, he is “gentleness itself.”

Kopi needs fosterer or forever home by mid-Oct

At present, the home boarding will only be able to keep him until mid-October 2022.

This has resulted in a time crunch for CDAS, who are now appealing for fosterers or better yet, a forever home, for Kopi.

Given Kopi’s troubled past, his fosterers or fur parents should ideally be a single person or a couple.

rescued dog Kopi

Source: Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook

Families with kids are less advisable, as a quiet environment for Kopi “would be a huge bonus”.

On top of that, Kopi requires someone with plenty of patience, as CDAS revealed that he remains wary of strangers.

As a result, he has a tendency to lunge at and occasionally bite people he is unfamiliar with when approached.

Those who are interested may drop CDAS a message on their Facebook page.

May Kopi find the furever home he deserves

Although caring for a rescued dog like Kopi can be a challenge, it could also turn out to be a rewarding experience.

Under his wary façade lies a warm soul with a lot of love to give.

We hope his story will reach the right people, and give him a happy ending at last.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from Chained Dog Awareness in Singapore on Facebook and Facebook.

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