Youths Help Sleepy Boy Left On Train In China By Drunk Father Who Forgot Him

Kind Youths Help Sleepy Boy Left Behind On Train

Most of us would likely be familiar with falling asleep on the train while leaning against a parent’s arm when we were younger.

However, what happens if you wake up to discover that the person you are leaning on is not your mum or dad, but a stranger?

That was what happened to a boy in China, who woke up from his nap to worried looks from several youths around him asking where his parents were.

Fortunately, with the help of station staff, the passengers eventually managed to return the sleepy boy to his father, who had forgotten about his son while drunk and accidentally left him on the train.

Drunk father leaves behind sleepy boy on train

On 11 Nov, a 30-second video of the incident surfaced on Chinese social media platform Douyin.

China sleepy boy

Source: Douyin

The video started with a male youth in a khaki jacket asking the boy where his father was, as the latter clung to his arm. Another young man in white and a few other voices in the background were heard asking the same question.

According to the captions, the youth was a university student, and so was his companion.

The young boy, however, looked around in a daze. He appeared to have just woken up from a nap as he asked where he was, to which the man in white replied that he was on the train.

“This is the train, where’s your dad? Your dad got drunk and left you here?” the youth in white questioned.

The boy then nodded off and leaned back against the seat.

China sleepy boy

Source: Douyin

The youth in khaki had his mobile phone in hand as he asked, concerned: “Do you know your dad’s phone number? Do you know your mum’s phone number?”

Alas, the clutches of slumber were too strong for the young boy who could only mutter, “I don’t know”, before he drifted off again.

China sleepy boy

Source: Douyin

The rest of the video went on similarly, with fellow passengers asking the boy whether he could provide his parents’ phone numbers.

Passengers contact station staff who manage to locate father

Thankfully, the boy eventually found his way home safe and sound.

The Douyin user who uploaded the video provided this piece of information in an update in the comments.

Source: Douyin

It included a screenshot of a text conversation between the user and another witness to the incident.

The witness explained that someone contacted staff members at the next station, who came to retrieve the boy.

Source: Douyin

“His dad then came to pick him up — he had indeed had too much to drink,” the witness said.

Also Read: P1 Student Gets Lost At Bendemeer MRT, Station Staff Helps Take Her To School

P1 Student Gets Lost At Bendemeer MRT, Station Staff Helps Take Her To School

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Featured image adapted from Douyin

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