79-year-old TCM doctor in S’pore dies at home, donates estate to charity

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79-year-old TCM doctor in Singapore donates estate to charity after death

A 79-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor recently died at her home at Block 418 Pasir Ris Drive 6.

Dr Tang Rongxuan (transliterated from Chinese), who worked in Tong An Tang TCM Clinic at Sunshine Plaza, had been in the practice for over three decades.

tong an tang clinic tcm doctor dies

Source: Google Maps

Before her demise, she left a will donating her estate to charity, Shin Min Daily News reported.

TCM doctor was skilled in treating diseases

Speaking to the Chinese news site, the clinic’s owner shared that Dr Tang worked there for more than 10 years and performed exceptionally well.

Besides always being punctual, Dr Tang was skilled in treating gastrointestinal and skin diseases.

The owner recounted that a patient with severe eczema recovered significantly under Dr Tang’s care.

“She was outstanding and always eager to improve her medical skills,” the owner said.

Prepared a will to donate her estate to charity

Previously, the owner also learnt that Dr Tang had prepared a will to donate her estate to Community Chest Singapore, the philanthropic and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS).

“[Dr Tang] once said if she could live her life over again, she would still choose to be a TCM doctor to relieve the suffering of patients,” the owner recalled.

As she was devoted to caring for her patients and lived a simple life, the owner considered Dr Tang her role model.

Moreover, the doctor never pushed patients to buy supplements and sometimes waived the consultation fees for elderly patients.

Doctor’s husband died 2 months ago

When the clinic couldn’t contact the doctor, they notified the police who subsequently found her dead at her home.

Two months ago, her husband passed away and she lived alone with limited mobility.

The owner revealed that the couple had no children and his death seemed to affect her deeply.

“She became thinner, and it appeared that she wasn’t eating well,” the owner said. “That’s why I was so worried when she didn’t come to work.”

It is believed that Dr Tang’s younger brother is handling her affairs.

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Featured image adapted from Google Maps and Shin Min Daily News




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