Teen motorcyclist in Russia crashes into car after giving another driver the middle finger

teen middle finger crashes

Teen motorcyclist crashes into car after giving another driver the middle finger

A 14-year-old motorcyclist crashed his moped into a car in front of him shortly after giving another car driver the middle finger.

teen middle finger crashes (1)

Source: SinCitySage on YouTube

The accident occurred in late August at Zolotoy Bridge in Vladivostok, Russia.

“The video of the incident, captured by the car’s driver, quickly went viral on social media, gaining more than 58,400 views.

Teen taunts driver with middle finger then crashes

According to Readovka, the teenager had been racing on his moped when he noticed the car driver filming the road.

In an attempt to get attention, he waved his middle finger at the camera.

As he was not paying attention to the road, he crashed into the car ahead.

teen middle finger crashes (1)

Source: SinCitySage on YouTube

The impact caused him to fall onto the side of the bridge, knocking off his helmet in the process.

Teen motorcyclist suffers arm fracture

The boy was taken to the hospital following the incident.

He suffered from a fracture in his lower left arm, the same one he used to give the middle finger.

Traffic police are investigating the incident to determine what penalties may be imposed.

The incident sparked amusement among netizens, many of whom felt the teen deserved the outcome.

“Karma never sleeps,” one commenter wrote.

Also read: 2 M’sian teen motorcyclists die after attempting stunts at high speed

2 M’sian teen motorcyclists die after attempting stunts at high speed

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Featured image adapted from SinCitySage on YouTube

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