Woman Steals Toilet Paper At S’pore Car Servicing Centre, Returns Rolls Upon Getting Caught

Woman Caught Stealing Toilet Paper, Begs To Be Let Off

Usually, one would think that only valuable items are at risk of theft. However, in some cases, even everyday items are susceptible to such petty crimes.

A recent case in Leng Kee, near Redhill, highlighted this fact. A woman allegedly tried stealing toilet paper from a car servicing centre.

A man, presumably a worker at the centre, caught the woman red-handed.

The woman then returned the toilet paper and pleaded to be let off. This was apparently not the first time she had been stealing from them.

Woman reportedly stole toilet paper from Leng Kee car servicing centre

A TikTok video of the incident surfaced on Sunday (28 May).

In the video, a woman in a white shirt and a face mask appears to be trying to walk away from the man recording the video.

The man, presumably a worker at the car servicing centre, accosted the woman, asking what she stole.

It turns out she had allegedly stolen several rolls of toilet paper. She kept them in the black and orange bag she was carrying.

woman toilet paper

Source: TikTok

She panicked and said she only took toilet paper and would put them back.

Not the first time she stole from the centre

The man then confronted her, saying he has observed her doing this on three to five other occasions.

He overlooked the previous incidents out of goodwill. However, it was one too many times, so he decided to expose her.

At this point, the woman started pleading for another chance. She also mentioned briefly, in Chinese, that she has psychological conditions, but the man cut her off before she could explain more.

Saying that she would return the toilet paper, she placed the four rolls onto a seat nearby. The woman then insisted she would not return any more.

woman toilet paper

Source: TikTok

It also seems as if she was accompanied by another man she knows. However, he did not do much during the exchange.

The man recording the video then made the woman remove her mask so that others could be on the lookout for her in case she stole again.

The woman, accompanied by her male companion, quickly exited the building. Just before the recording cuts, she once again said, “I’m not coming here anymore.”

Netizens have mixed feelings about the incident

TikTok users who came across the video seem to have mixed feelings about it.

Some wondered if it was necessary for the man recording the video to call her out so publicly. One commenter said that a stern warning would be enough.

Source: TikTok

Others, like this user, seem to feel sympathy for the woman and think she probably has an underlying ailment behind her behaviour.

Source: TikTok

However, some think her actions are unacceptable, and that she is at fault.

Source: TikTok

While what the woman did was baffling and wrong, we hope the woman gets the help she needs if she does indeed have an underlying condition.

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Featured image adapted from TikTok

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