Woman in China hits man who dissed her, resembles Wu Song fighting tiger

Woman in China hits man at Haidilao restaurant, resembling classic Wu Song scene

A recent brawl in China has gone viral over its resemblance to a scene from the classic Chinese novel Water Margin (水滸傳).

According to Sing Tao Daily, the incident occurred at a Haidilao outlet in Changsha city in Hunan province.

Jiang Yan, a female celebrity, was dining at the restaurant when a man started hurling insults.

The man claims to be a famous lawyer from Hong Kong.

The incident soon escalated as the man, at one point, allegedly threw food in Jiang’s direction.

wu song woman man 4

Source: Weibo

Woman mounts man & strikes his head

Agitated, Jiang started getting aggressive with the man.

Videos circulating on Weibo show Jiang mounting the man, who was lying flat on the ground.

With one hand holding the man’s hair, Jiang started landing heavy punches on his head, seemingly unbothered about her exposed chest.

wu song woman man

Source: 新闻调查 on Twitter

Jiang only stopped her assault after the crowd around her pulled them apart.

While violence in all forms deserved condemnation, netizens couldn’t help but notice how the brawl looked like a scene out of Wu Song’s encounter with a tiger — a famous scene from Water Margin.

In the fictional tale, a drunk Wu Song pinned a tiger before raining blows on the large cat.

wu song woman man tiger

Source: Baidu

He then proceeded to smash the tiger’s head to ensure its death.

Woman accused man of mocking people from Hunan

Following the incident, Jiang took to Weibo to slam the man, accusing him of mocking people from Hunan.

She also posted videos on Douyin condemning her own actions while urging netizens to stop circulating videos of the brawl.

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Featured image adapted form 新闻调查 on Twitter and Baidu

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