Dog Dies After Being Chained To Car In M’sia & Dragged, Elderly Owner Arrested

Dog Chained & Dragged Behind Car In Malaysia Found Bleeding Profusely

Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend. So when we hear cases of these friendly creatures being mistreated, our hearts break for them.

One recent case in Malaysia was so shocking that an onlooker had to give chase to intervene and save the victimised animal.

Apparently, a man had been dragging a dog along the road with a chain attached to the back of his car. By the time the witness saw what was happening, the dog was already bleeding profusely.

Fortunately, the onlooker intercepted the driver before he could escape. Police have since arrested the elderly man.

Dog attached to car by metal chain, dragged along as it moves

According to The Star, the incident happened on Saturday (27 May).

Mr Rajes Donarow, a poultry farmer from Lukut in Port Dickson, Malaysia, was a first-hand witness to the incident.

Source: Google Maps, for illustration purposes only

He reportedly saw a man, apparently the owner of a durian farm from the same village, driving a beat-up vehicle. Trailing behind was a dog, seemingly attached to the vehicle by a metal chain that dragged it as the car moved along.

By the time Mr Rajes noticed the dog, its paws were bleeding and it had seemingly collapsed. He told The Star that the gravel was scraping the dog’s chest while the driver continued driving.

Hopping on his motorcycle, Mr Rajes gave chase and signalled for the driver to stop. However, the latter allegedly continued driving.

Passers-by gather around after onlooker stops car

Perhaps determined to put an end to the dog’s misery, Mr Rajes kept accelerating and eventually overtook the car, blocking its path.

The poultry farmer then pulled the keys out of the car’s ignition.

“I asked him why he was dragging the dog in such a cruel manner instead of using the lorry or four-wheel drive that he owned,” The Star quoted him as saying.

dog chains car

Source: The Star

The driver, who owned a durian plantation and a landscaping business, reportedly explained that he was moving the dog to another one of his plantations. He claimed that the dog refused to get into his lorry.

However, when Mr Rajes unchained the dog, it immediately jumped into the car, contrary to what the man said.

By this point, other passers-by had started to surround the man and the bloodied canine.

Dog succumbs to injuries

Mr Rajes proceeded to call the police, who arrived at the scene shortly after. The officers then told him and the dog’s owner to lodge police reports about the incident.

They also advised Mr Rajes to report the incident to the Department of Veterinary Services.

Per The Star, an officer from the Lukut district police headquarters confirmed that both men had filed official reports.

In a follow-up article today (30 May), Bernama reported that the dog has died as a result of the incident.

Police arrested its 61-year-old owner on Monday (29 May) night for causing the canine’s death and are remanding him for a day.

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