‘I am not to be blamed’: 18-year-old motorcyclist in SLE chase that killed LTA officer charged

18-year-old motorcyclist charged for SLE chase that resulted in death of LTA officer

On Tuesday (4 June), a motorcycle chase along the SLE resulted in the death of a 26-year-old Land Transport Authority (LTA) enforcement officer, Mr Zdulfika Ahakasah.

He had been in pursuit of an 18-year-old motorcyclist and had been trying to stop him when the incident happened.

The motorcyclist has now received six charges following his involvement in the incident.

18-year-old motorcyclist charged for SLE chase following LTA officer’s death

Channel NewsAsia (CNA) reports that the motorcyclist appeared in court on Thursday (6 June) to receive the charges.

The court did not grant him bail and he will return in two weeks.

His six charges include traffic, drugs, and weapon offences.

These involve consuming methamphetamine, dangerously driving on 4 June by cutting across two lanes to escape the LTA officer, and possessing a Samurai sword.

Source: SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News on Telegram

He cannot be named in court due to the fact that he was 17 when he allegedly committed one of the offences.

The Children and Young Persons Act states that the court cannot name a perpetrator if they were under 18 at the time of the offence.

Teenager says he is not to be blamed

The teenager attended court via a video link from where he is currently staying under remand.

CNA reports that from the minute he appeared on screen, a woman in the public gallery broke down and did not stop crying until he left.

The court also asked him if he had anything to say. In response, the teenager replied:

I gambled my life as much as he gambled his. So the death… I may be one of the contributing factors to the death, but I am not to be blamed.

According to the Strait Times, an audible gasp from the gallery could be heard as he said these words in court.

SLE chase kills LTA officer

The crash that resulted in the death of Mr Zdulfika occurred at about 10.40am on 4 June along SLE towards BKE near TPE exit.

Source: Singapore roads accident.com新加坡公路意外网页 on Facebook

The incident also involved two lorries and a van, with footage showing Mr Zdulfika crashing into a kerb while in pursuit of the teenager.

Authorities conveyed him to a hospital, where he subsequently passed away.

Also read: Netizens outraged by death of LTA officer who chased errant motorcyclist, call for justice

Netizens outraged by death of LTA officer who chased errant motorcyclist, call for justice

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Featured image adapted from SGRoad Blocks/Traffic News on Telegram.

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