‘Sauna’ seen at entrance of HDB flat, netizens say structure is probably illegal

‘Sauna’ at HDB flat faces removal after netizen posts photo on Reddit

Netizens were incredulous when a photo of what looked like a sauna cabin at the entrance of an HDB flat was posted on social media.

The photo, uploaded on Reddit on Tuesday (9 July), showed a raised wooden structure with small windows and a door protruding from the wall of an HDB corridor.

There were also short wooden steps leading to the door, and greenery surrounding it.

Source: Reddit

From the unit number of the neighbour opposite, the flat appears to be on the 12th floor.

Netizens say HDB ‘sauna’ is illegal

Some netizens who responded to the post thought that the spa-like structure was “cute” and “cool”.

Source: Reddit

Others pointed out that it was likely not a real sauna, but the resident’s creative rendering of their entrance.

Source: Reddit

However, appealing as the structure might look, most agreed that it was illegal as it encroached into the public corridor and wasn’t moveable.

Source: Reddit

A commentator who claimed they’d seen something like it before said it was meant to be installed in the bathroom, and having it part of the entrance instead was “brazenly illegal”.

Source: Reddit

Netizens predict that HDB ‘sauna’ will be taken down

Typically, a number of netizens wanted to know how the resident managed to get away with this. They noted that the structure seemed to be blocking the stairwell.

Source: Reddit

Another respondent said it looked “extremely flammable”.

A number of netizens also predicted that the resident would have to take down the structure since it has now attracted online attention.

Source: Reddit

One, not entirely jokingly, planted the blame squarely on the person who shared the photo if the structure had to be taken down.

Source: Reddit

Works cannot pose fire hazard or encroach on public area: HDB

According to HDB’s renovation guidelines, works that create a public nuisance, pose a fire hazard or encroach on the public area are not allowed to be carried out.

There is precedent for this — in 2019, a fish tank built on the front steps of a home in Tampines was ordered by HDB to be taken down.

Tampines Fish Tank Staircase Display That Beautified The Neighbourhood Is Gone

The reasons cited for its removal were that it posed a safety hazard and that the tank was built on common property.

This was despite Tampines GRC MP Baey Yam Keng hoping that the tank would be allowed to remain as it was “properly constructed” and “did not pose any obstruction to either the residents or to the public”.

Also read: Bukit Batok HDB Flat Is An Actual Ryokan With An Onsen Shower & Sliding Shoji Doors

Bukit Batok HDB Flat Is An Actual Ryokan With An Onsen Shower & Sliding Shoji Doors

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Featured image adapted from Reddit.

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