Wild sambar deer spotted grazing peacefully at Mandai Road, loud PMD music scares them away

Wild sambar deer spotted grazing peacefully at Mandai Road, loud PMD music scares them away

Photographer captures shots of sambar deer foraging at Mandai Road on 21 April

In the early hours of Sunday (21 April), a wildlife photographer had the incredible luck of spotting a herd of wild sambar deer at Mandai Road.

A series of pictures he uploaded on Facebook shows the majestic animals grazing peacefully.

Source: Wilber Yip on Facebook

The sighting captured the hearts of netizens, with many praising the photographer’s shots.

Encountered 5 sambar deer at Mandai

Speaking to MS News, the photographer, 35-year-old Wilber Yip, said he has been into wildlife photography for almost a decade.

Recently, he decided to try his luck spotting wild sambar deer.

Although he saw them briefly on 20 April, the lighting conditions weren’t ideal for photography.

Fortunately, he and his wife managed to see a group of five deer around 3.15am the following day.

Source: Wilber Yip on Facebook

Excited by the sight of the deer, Mr Yip expressed how encountering wild animals was a unique experience compared to those in captivity.

It was also a first-time experience for his wife.

In his Facebook post, he noted that the deer would occasionally lift their heads to survey their surroundings before resuming their foraging.

Source: Wilber Yip on Facebook

When they felt assured of their safety, they would continue to graze.

Deer run away when PMD playing loud music rides past

Mr Yip observed that the deer seemed familiar with the sounds of passing cars and motorcycles, suggesting they were used to them.

Source: Wilber Yip on Facebook

“One of the deer even crossed the road to the other side,” Mr. Yip shared with MS News. “But they only did so when the road was completely clear.”

However, when a Personal Mobility Device (PMD) rider passed by with loud music, the herd galloped away.

Taking this as a cue to leave, Mr Yip and his wife headed home.

In the comments, netizens expressed their admiration for the wildlife.

Source: Facebook

Many also praised Mr Yip for capturing such beautiful shots.

Source: Facebook

Mr Yip shared with MS News that his aim in photographing wildlife was to raise awareness about the variety of wild animals in Singapore beyond the common ones like wild boars and long-tailed macaques.

To see more of his wildlife photography, you can visit his Instagram page.

Also read: Sambar Deer Dashes Across The Road In Daytime At S’pore Park, Driver Marvels At Rare Sight

Sambar Deer Dashes Across The Road In Daytime At S’pore Park, Driver Marvels At Rare Sight

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Featured image adapted from Wilber Yip on Facebook.

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