Teacher in M’sia buys new shoes for student wearing severely worn-out pair, receives praise

teacher new shoes student

Teacher in M’sia buys new shoes for student wearing severely worn-out pair

A teacher in Malaysia was praised online for buying new shoes for a boy in her class who had been wearing a severely worn-out pair.

Teacher Aina shared the touching moment on her TikTok @ainaanasss last week, which has since garnered 548,300 views.

The video showed the boy’s tattered old shoes with holes in both soles, prompting one of his classmates to innocently comment, “It’s rotten.”

teacher new shoes student (2)

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

“When it rains, water will get into the soles of my shoes and get my feet wet,” the boy shyly admitted.

Teacher brings two pairs of shoes for boy to try

Teacher Aina brought out two pairs of shoes in different sizes for the boy to try on.

Although the first pair felt tight, the boy insisted they were fine, grateful to receive new shoes.

teacher new shoes student (3)

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

The teacher then had him try the bigger pair to check if they were a better fit.

As he put them on, the boy became visibly confused about which shoe was the left or the right, leaving him feeling embarrassed in front of his classmates.

After the teacher showed him how to put on shoes properly, the boy chose the bigger pair as they fit more comfortably.

Boy wants to keep his old shoes at home

When asked if it was fun to receive new shoes, the boy happily agreed.

Teacher Aina then gave him a few reminders, including how to care for his new shoes.

She also complimented the boy, saying he looked handsome as he walked around in his new shoes.

teacher new shoes student

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

“What do you want to do with your old shoes? Should we throw them away?” the teacher asked.

“No, don’t throw them away,” the boy replied, saying he wanted to take them home to keep.

He thanked his teacher, expressing that he loved her “very, very much” when asked.

Netizens praise teacher for buying student a new pair of shoes

Netizens commended the teacher for her kind gesture, adding that the child would remember her for life.

They expressed hopes that the teacher would receive many blessings in return.

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

Some commenters mentioned that helping children like this is one of the reasons they aspire to become teachers.

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

Meanwhile, others shared about their past hardships as students coming from underprivileged families.

Source: @ainaanasss on TikTok

Also read: Childcare teacher uses body to shield toddlers during 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

Childcare teacher uses body to shield toddlers during 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan

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Featured image adapted from @ainaanasss on TikTok

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